Adrian Luah

Adrian Luah


Ever since young, I have had an unwavering passion for reading and would even go to the extent of reading while walking. But now, ever since attending the Young Author Scheme, I have grown a deeper interest in writing as it has not always been my forte. It was definitely not easy to think of a completely original story comprising of at least three thousand words. However, being a consistent reader helped me to come up with different plots, ideas and scenarios, which also gave me my first inspiration from one of Roald Dahl’s books, The Witches. After days of brainstorming, perseverance and hard work, my story was finally completed. Thanks to the Young Author Scheme, my writing skills have improved tremendously and I even had a chance to publish my story.

Books by Adrian Luah

The CurseJack is a kind and cheerful boy. Unfortunately for him, a witch who is known as an evil and vile creature wants to kill him. Will three angels be able to save him before disaster strikes? Relying only on their intelligence, these angels’ hands hold Jack’s fate.


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