Julianna A. Blas
Julianna A. Blas is a 17 year-old based in Manila, Philippines. An incoming Grade 12 student in the STEM track (science, technology, engineering, math) of the St. Paul College, Julianna is a travelling bookworm at heart and will check-in empty suitcases just for books. Among her favourite places are El Ateneo in Buenos Aires, the Southbank Centre Book Market under the Waterloo Bridge, Book Soup in Los Angeles, Kinokuniya on Orchard Road and Fully Booked in Bonifacio Global City. She attends literary festivals when possible and has been to the 2013 London Literary Festival and the 2015 Philippine Literary Festival in Makati. Julianna was also the 2nd place winner in the past 2013/2014 Young Author Award.
Books by Julianna A. Blas