Dylan Teo

Dylan Teo


My name is Dylan Teo [but please call me Landy] and I am currently in Primary 5 of Anglo Chinese School (Primary). I wrote the story during the December holidays last year. My hobbies include reading, building Lego and playing basketball. I’m the eldest kid with two younger sisters. When I was offered YAS by my school after the year-end examinations, I embraced the opportunity as I had always wanted to write a story but never had the discipline or motivation to actually sit down, put my heart to it and start typing. There are also the added incentive of the published book and the license to break free from the bonds of fixed themes, time and word count limits as normally encountered in school compositions. I love writing as it allows me to express myself and explore what it is like to be an author.

Books by Dylan Teo

Destiny Fernando Mackimillian ‘Mac’ Oroni Lopez used to be a loser. Now, with the fate of the world in his hands, he has to save his best friend, the world and himself from crazy overlord Talon and his army of mind zombies who:• obey him• are overly submissive• and are super strongWill he fulfill his destiny, or will it be the end of the world as we know it?


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