Julia Elizabeth Bruzo

Julia Elizabeth Bruzo


Hello! My name’s Julia Elizabeth R. Bruzo. I am 14 years old and I am a student at Global Two Wings Foundation Inc. School of Legazpi. Aside from being a young author, I am also a digital artist. I dream that someday I can write and illustrate my own webtoon.

Since the pandemic began, there hasn’t really been a lot to look forward to. So when my parents told me about the workshop, I decided to sign up. During that time, not only did I learn more about writing stories, I was also able to meet different people. Since I’m quite introverted, having to talk to others made me uncomfortable. But, it turns out I wasn’t the only introvert in the group and my teammates made me feel very welcome. I had lots of fun and the workshop made me a bit less shy and a bit more confident in writing.

Books by Julia Elizabeth Bruzo

With Love, EstelleSeparated at a young age because of their parents’ debt, Etienne and Estelle could only write letters to each other for years. But when Estelle’s letters suddenly stop coming, it’s up to Etienne to find out what had happened to her sister. Will she finally be reunited with her sister? Or will she be meet with sorrow at the end of her journey?


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