Wan Alyssa Sofea

Wan Alyssa Sofea


Wan Alyssa Sofea or preferably known as Aly Riz is a 16-year-old aspiring author from Selangor, Malaysia. She has been wanting to be an author since she was nine and has planned all her stories since then. In her opinion, the Young Author Scheme is a perfect platform for young budding writers across Southeast Asia to showcase their talent. From teaching her how to start a story to how to have a perfect ending, Miss Catherine Khoo did a great job mentoring her and she will definitely have Ms Khoo in her acknowledgements in her books if she makes it big as a writer one day. Writing has always been one of Aly’s favourite things to do to express her feelings and it was a wonderful experience to have met literary people like Ms Khoo.
Aside from writing stories, Aly also takes pleasure in writing her own songs and reading fanfictions on websites like Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr. She is also a huge swiftie and is a fan of JRPGs like Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. When she is not writing, Aly is probably daydreaming about her fictional boyfriends.

Books by Wan Alyssa Sofea

One sunny day, Tiffany Vortez was playing a game of poisonous orb in the pool of her boyfriend’s house with their friends. She accidentally went against the rules of the game by using her faerie powers and hit the ball a tad bit too hard, causing it to go flying somewhere in the woods. Feeling bad for what she did, she and her boyfriend Kyle ventured off to find it. Unbeknownst to Tiffany, she wasn’t prepared for what she was about to see or who.


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